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作者:   来源:必赢626net入口      发布日期:2023-03-10   浏览:

Ø  个人简介

博士,讲师,中国民族药学会理事,《生态学报》审稿专家,SCI期刊Tree physiologyPLoSONE审稿人。
主要关注生态环境因子对药用植物生长发育和有效药用成分影响机理机制等方面的研究。科研工作上,曾主持中国科技合作项目,参与中国科学院植物研究所科技部面上项目的研究,均已顺利结题;正在主持或参与的项目有博士启动基金,校级创新团队等;指导校级老员工创新创业训练项目一项;科研成果在TreesTree PhysiologyJournal of Plant EcologySCI刊物和中文核心刊物上公开发表论文16余篇,并于2022年获得一项国家发明专利授权。

Ø  代表性项目与成果

1. 必赢博士科研启动基金项目,BS202001,环境因子对太行山麓南方红豆杉种群更新的调控机理研究,2021-012023-1240万元,主持,在研。

2、必赢科技创新团队项目,CX202002, 连翘生态资源研发创新团队,2021-072023-0720万元,参与,在研。


4、中瑞国际科技合作基金项目,EG44-092011Comparing and linking the δ13C and δ18O in needles and  tree-ring for understanding the past physiology in trees2012-072012-10,10万元,主持,已结题

5Cai-Feng Yan; XingguoHan; Maihe Li*; Effects of mistletoe removal on growth, N and C reserves and carbon and oxygen isotope composition in Scots pine hosts, 2016, Tree Physiology, 36(5):572-575.

6Cai-Feng Yan; Shijie Han; Yumei Zhou; Xingbo Zheng; Dandan Yu; Junqiang Zheng; Guanhuan Dai; MaiHe Li*; Needle δ13C and mobile carbohydrates in relation to crown temperature and moisture in Pinus koraiensis along an elevational gradient, 2013,Trees, 27:389-399.

7Cai-Feng Yan; Shijie Han; Yu-Mei Zhou; Cun-Guo Wang; Guan-Hua Dai; Wen-Fa Xiao; Mai-He Li*; Needle-age related variability in nitrogen, mobile carbohydrates, and δ13C within Pinus koraiensis tree crown, 2012, PLoS ONE, 7(4):e35079.

8Xue Wang; Zhuwen Xu; Cai-Feng Yan; et al.; Responses and sensitivity of N, P and mobile carbohydrates of dominant species to increased water, N and P availability in semi-arid grasslands in northern China,2017, Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(3): 486-496.

9Wentao Luo; James J. Elser; Xiao-Tao Lü; Zhengwen Wang; Edith Bai; Cai-Feng Yan; Chao Wang; Mai-He Li; Niklaus E. Zimmermann; Xingguo Han; Zhuwen Xu; Hui Li; Yunna Wu; Yong Jiang; Plant nutrients do not covary with soil nutrients under changing climatic conditions, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2015, DOI:10.1002/2015GB005089.

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